Dear Hillary

Dear Hillary:

I would send you a real letter but I doubt it would ever get to you. You’re a busy woman, you don’t have time for letters from disgruntled non-constituents.

I read that you were considering not running for president. I had a momentary twinge because there was time I looked forward to your running, looked forward to fighting for your candidacy, and looked forward to your wining and you and President Clinton being back in the White House, this time with him as your primary advisor, instead of vice versa. But you and Bill blew it. Now when I see you or President Clinton with the Bushes, being all lovey-dovey, I scream at the TV screen, at the computer monitor, “Quisling!!”

Considering your former political acumen it’s surprising how ham-handed you and President Clinton have become, how you trashed your own hopes by aligning yourselves with the most evil people in the country. You must live in a bubble not to know how much most Democrats hate Bush and his family. When you read the polls saying that almost half the people in the US believe that the government was involved in 911, what do you think they mean by “government”? Well, the odds are they don’t mean the Social Security Administration. What they mean is Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld. With their knowledge and at their command. By allying yourself with the Bushes, being part of their family, you have made it impossible for the Democratic Party to nominate you for president.

What could you have been thinking of? Can’t you recognize evil when it sits down at the dinner table with you?

I know, I know, you were trying to make it more likely that Republicans could bring themselves to vote for you (like that would happen). You also proved you had no moral center. I wasn’t surprised by President Clinton. I know what would be the moral center in most people in him is occupied by the desire to be loved…by everyone, to be at the center of the world, no matter the cost. But I thought you had a moral center, that that was why the Republicans hated you so much. But your easy slide into the arms of the Republicans, to Newt Gringich, to the Satanic Bush family, made me change my mind.

I remember when you first began to lose it: When you allied yourself with Newt Gringrich. I bet you thought the message was “this is how we get health care for everyone” and Gringrich thought the message was “this is how we fix it so corporations don’t have to provide health insurance for their employees”. But the real message was just you and Newt Gingrich standing together, allies, supporting the same thing. Everyone on our side knew Gringrich was evil. We remembered everything bad he did. Had you forgotten? We remembered that anything he was for we should be against. So the message was: Hillary sold out. I tried to chalk it up to you trying to get Republican support. But the real message was the picture of you two together. That was sickening.

Then more pictures and words starting coming out. You and President Clinton with the Bushes, praising them in the most sycophantic way possible.

How funny it must have been to the Bushes. Dubya even commented on it. You thought you were playing them, that the association would help you get elected. But they were playing you, making it impossible for you to get nominated.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President George W. Bush says Bill Clinton has become so close to his father that the Democratic former president is like a member of the family.

Asked about his father and Clinton, Bush quipped, “Yes, he and my new brother.”

“That’s a good relationship. It’s a fun relationship to watch,” Bush said in an interview with CBS News broadcast on Sunday.

While attending Pope John Paul’s funeral, Bush said, “It was fun to see the interplay between dad and Clinton. One of these days, I’ll be a member of the ex-president’s club. … I’ll be looking for something to do.”

Yeah, it must have been funny to him.

Bush41 is the most evil America has ever produced. He’s linked to everything from the Bay of Pigs, the assassination of JFK, Watergate, the attempted assassination of Reagan, and Iran-contra. He’s at the center of so many webs that you finally realize he must be a spider.

Evil incarnate and Clinton chooses him as a surrogate father.

The Clintons and the Bushes have been known to vacation together in more recent times. Earlier this year on CBS, Clinton revealed that he looks upon the Bushes as a surrogate family, and how Barbara Bush refers to him as “her son”.

… Bush Snr and former President Bill Clinton joined forces for Tsunami Relief. They appeared at this year’s Super Bowl and seemed to be having a blast together. They declared their friendship; we learn they talk on the phone often, play golf together and are just plain ‘pals.’

Whilst her husband has been hanging around with the Bushes, she [Hillary Clinton] has been living it up with the likes of Newt Gingrich, Bill Frist, John McCain and Rick Santorum.

Yeah, you’ve sold out, sold so far out that I doubt you have many supporters left.

Yes, there was a time, I looked forward to supporting you, but that is over. You and former President Clinton seem to know that. You’re making noises about not running. He’s talking about concentrating on poverty. Maybe you both read the polls and see your time is past. I wonder if you understand why.

A former supporter


© alllie 2006

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