Worrying About Our Enemies, Part II

In one of my first blogs I worried about the 7 and 9 year old sons of Khalid Sheik Mohammed. They had been kidnapped by the United States and threats against them were used to try to get their father to talk. Some people denied the US would do such a thing but it has been confirmed in Ron Suskind’s book, The One Percent Doctrine.

One of the dark moments in the so-called war on terror, as I disclosed in the book, along with all the other stuff, is that we threatened Khalid Sheik Mohammed’s children to get him to talk. According to those involved in that incident, he pretty much looked them straight in the eye and said, “Fine, they’ll be in a better place with Allah.” Once you threaten someone’s children there’s pretty much nowhere else to go in terms of building the kind of relationship where they at some point tell you things that you really need to hear.
We Tortured an Insane Man

Bush advisor John Yoo has publicly argued that the president can legally order the torture of a child of a suspect in custody – including crushing that child’s testicles. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article11488.htm So I guess it was okay, according to him, to have those little children kidnapped and threatened. I pray it stopped at threats.

All these people, from Bush on down, need to be put in jail forever.

Bush makes me ashamed to be an American. So many things he has ordered I would have never thought America would do. I hope to see the day when he is tried and convicted for war crimes.

And I still worry about those children. Where are they now? Are they okay? Or are they still being held hostage.


© alllie 2006

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