King George?

Bush is acting like the dictator he wants to be, claiming there are no laws that apply to him. He is daring us to stop him. If Congress doesn’t act we may lose democracy forever. We may still be called the United States of America but everything that made us special will be gone. There was a time when Athenian democracy was lost, when the Roman Republic was lost. Even though cities named Athens and Rome continued to exist, the freedom and democracy that had made them good places to live was gone. Their people became virtual or literal slaves. The people of Athens and Rome let representative government slip away, let themselves become dictatorships. Will we?

How much easier could Congress have made it for the Bush Administration to conduct legitimate intelligence operations within the United States when there already was a special secret court that would even grant a warrant after the spying had been done?  Out of 19,000 warrants this secret court had only refused five. Still the Bush Administration insists that they can spy on Americans without getting a court order. What possible reason could there be for Bush to ignore such a court? They must have wanted to spy on Americans who could not be classified as terrorists or potential terrorists by any stretch of the imagination. It’s been reported that current and former government officials were targets of NSA spying as well as were some reporters. Who else? Maybe Democratic politicians? Or maybe Bush just wants to be king, to be free of the rule of law.

Will we let Bush turn us into a police state where any American can be spied on, locked up indefinitely without being charged or being allowed to see a lawyer, even a place where people can be tortured? Will we do nothing to stop it?

This is just Watergate without the burglary, Watergate with the NSA doing the spying.



© alllie 2006

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